Wednesday, December 07, 2005

We should all de-evolve

The bonobo is the best animal ever. Forget dinosaurs, penguins or giraffes (especially forget giraffes). The bonobo is the hippy/rockstar of the animal kingdom and I am jealous of them. They are our closest relative, so perhaps I can will myself into regressing...

Why do I love them so? If they have a conflict, they fuck. If they are stressed, they fuck. If they are bored, they fuck. And they'll fuck anything, anywhere. Plus, they french kiss and look into each others eyes... How fun and peaceful is that?!

And they are pretty egalitarian in respect to gender.

There is an eccentric (yet potentially creepy) lady who urges us humans to "liberate our inner bonobo" and I couldn't agree more. She has a website for more information.

Now, let's fuck... or at least smile at each other.


At 12:05 PM, Blogger PDD said...

I am proud to say I do both. While the latter might annoy a lot of people, the former has left me... hmmm... shall we say, a little stretched out with a reputation no one could compete.

At 12:06 PM, Blogger PDD said...

Speaking of tarnished reputations, how's the boyf?

At 12:20 PM, Blogger Genet said...

The Boyf? Haven't spoken... Am starting to miss him...

At 9:28 PM, Blogger JR said...

They totally seek out food under rocks and and are able to wash potatoes. They were the celebrities of my Animal Cognition class.

At 2:53 PM, Blogger FLAMINGO1 said...

Wash potatoes and fuck? I think I just found my next wife.


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