Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Finally back on Eastern Daylight Time

In a potentially alarming indication that I am indeed aging, it has taken me much longer than usual to get over my jet-lag. Today is the first day I haven't felt that I needed a crystal meth addiction to keep me awake. I suppose that means that I am now 100% back home. I hope that the good spirits my trip fostered will decide to move in with me and not take the first one-way flight back to London. I'm not too concerned as we are getting along very well.

I spent some time with my fellow pousto-levendi, the incomparable Niko on Monday night, which was great. I rarely get the chance to speak Greek in a homo context and as I have written about before, the idiosyncrasies of the Greek psyche are pretty difficult for those unfamiliar with the culture to fully understand it, so it's always refreshing to discuss Greek things with a fellow insider. And when that insider is as intelligent, funny and kind as Niko, it makes for great convo over some retsina, dolmadakia and Greek sausages. Thanks, Nikolaki!

The highlight of the day today was the purchase of Pet Shop Boys tickets for the Boyf and myself. I love them. They write great melodies, are great lyricists and their work is interesting, culturally/politically aware and intelligent. How many other poppy-dance outfits would even contemplate writing a new soundtrack to Eisenstein's seminal Battleship Potemkin? Just think how absolutely lost Britney would be reading that last sentence- it would be enough to make her drop her baby in a confused haze...

Before I sign off, I'd like to share a small, yet highly amusing piece of random information that I learned today. Reuter's correspondent in war-torn Sudan is named... (drumroll)... Opheera McDoom. Unbelievably, this is not a joke. Not only can I not believe that these two names are real, I am stunned that they are coupled together. Here's an example of her work to assuage any guilt I may feel about reducing the woman to a punchline. It also confirms that this is not bullshit. I hope for her that her name is not an omen, the poor thing.


At 7:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL...Oh my God that is too funny.

Thank you for the kind words, it was very nice spending time with you. Hopefully once I get my ass here permanently we can do it on a regular basis :-)


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