Paging Dr. Freud
I just got back to work from taking the Boyf to the hospital. He has kidney stones and called me this morning saying "I'm making sounds I never thought I could" to describe his pain. Obviously, I flee the office and cab it over to his place.
When I get there, the Boyf informs me that he had taken a Tylenol 3 he had from a previous tooth-ache incident and the pain has subsided but he still needed to get to the hospital. Seeing him in pain and vulnerable was simultaneously heart-breaking and a turn-on.
While waiting for the triage nurse, he was cracking jokes, which initially put me at ease about his physical state. Then the jokes kept coming. Suddenly, I wished that I had a melodramatic boyfriend that would make my rescue effort seem more heroic than it was. How I managed to turn his kidney stones into something about me is a triumph of narcissism. Thankfully, it will be short lived... only to be sporadically followed by similar feelings while I'm nursing him back to health.
Apparently, the pain of having kidney stones could be compared to child birth x 100. So I feel for Boyf big time.
As always, you are the biggest sweetheart and that should never go unnoticed.
I do love the "Seeing him in pain and vulnerable was simultaneously heart-breaking and a turn on". It reminds me of a conversation we once had in the presence of 'Prepie nafiaxes ta malia sou'. You were telling me how you melt when you see a guy squint there eyes, because it shows vulnerability, and I couldn't agree more.
allow me to revise 'child birth' to 'giving birth'
They don't call me psychic dumb-dumb for no reason.
Thank you for vouching for me! I am triggered by many other lurid memories i.e. Sealtest, Chilli at Tim Hortons. Many evenings spent at cripple town...etc, etc.
I have noticed you linked me up. Thank you, I now feel extra special. Now, how do I do the same for you??
Many thanks, kisses, and sasquach dreams...
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