Saturday, January 21, 2006

I stand corrected

The election campaign hasn't been dull at all. At least not this month. Many things I did not expect to happen did, mostly to the detriment of my hopes. Perhaps I am naive, but despite the expected result of the election, I have faith in the public to keep government in check in one way or another. My greatest fear about the Conservatives is that they will attempt to turn the clock back- and this is coming from someone who has zero desire to get same-sex married. The courts would get involved again and I have confidence that this is pretty much of a done deal with the public. Beyond that, the subtle difference of political ethos between the Grits and Tories is still real and I think the Liberals failed in explaining this constructively. However, this encompasses everything from daycare to missile-defense. Also, Martin came across as a weak leader (sometimes, he looked like a weird Bay Street bimbo) of a party that had no real "vision" or coherent platform (ie: the Red Book).

The campaign was dictated by the Conservatives which obviously meant that the Liberals were constantly playing catch-up. This meant that the Conservative platform was being responded to rather than engaged with or countered, often resulting in an overly simplified and juvenile catch-up reaction. In a savvy move, Harper and friends focused on what they were going to do during the early stages of the campaign when many, including me, expected tired rhetoric about Gomery.

I always think it's dangerous to vote for change for its sake alone. Harper may have become the current It Girl, but he's going to bring a bunch of MPs with him as well and that's where things get complex. For all his mismanagement and hyperbole, Martin has a point when he says that Conservative values are still unclear and that mixed messages have been sent.

Alas, poor Jack... He kept the government together and delivered a progressive budget. And really, he played the least politics in the minority government and idealistically tried to get things accomplished. But he's in a tough place. So many citizens seem to gravitate towards his platform and policies but doubt the ability of the NDP to gain any real power. And any votes for him could embolden the Tories. That is a fucked up situation to negotiate.

I have a thing about wanting to fuck right-wing politicians to reveal to them their latent homosexuality and Harper is still on the top of my list. But I do have to admit that he organized a slick and professional campaign, much to my chagrin. Hopefully, I can have my way with him before Monday and cause a huge scandal and re-evaluation of his party's platform, resulting in an NDP majority.

Now, the left is divided, Québec is coyly chatting up Harpster while essentially ensuring it will remain powerless in cabinet, Alberta "rocks" and a robot is probably going to be our PM. All in all, I think I can assume that Toronto is somewhat fucked if this is the outcome on Monday. Expect a lasso to pull down the CN Tower and raging herds of cattle to trample all 5 million of us. Hopefully a minority government will save us from such an eventuality.


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