Thursday, May 11, 2006

Queen of Random

I love Queen West, the whole lengthy stretch of it. Probably always will. Even the hipsters don't diminish my love for it. There are very few places on Earth where a large elephant and Adidas would be casually suspended above the sidewalk for no apparent reason. Conceptual art, perhaps? I just appreciate the randomness of it. And what is that coming out of the elephant's ass? A saxophone? How 80s! Hopefully, he ate Kenny G.

I know that in some places, sneakers are hung on electrical wires above a crack-house to denote its presence to clients, but this doesn't seem to be the case here. Unless crack dealers have gotten really creative and have taken the elephant as their new inconspicuous logo. Trunk... snorting drugs...? I'm really going off on a tangent here ...

Photo courtesy of blogTO.


At 2:13 PM, Blogger zoĆ« said...

the saxaphone observation is outrageous.
i like it.
a lot.
the same for your blog.
just browsing...

At 2:18 PM, Blogger Genet said...

Thanks, Zoe... keep those comments coming because my ego depends on them!

At 5:31 PM, Blogger PDD said...

This is brill!

I am going to link this post on my soon to come post. Give everyone a little taste of culture. I am tremendously sick today. Having gone on an interview proved difficult but the ironic thing is that I think I've got it, as they said they'd like to hire me for next week. I am to expect a call. I don't get my hopes up anymore though. This has been said and happened before.

At 6:47 PM, Blogger Martyloo said...

So that's what all those sneakers on wires were. OH SNAP! I lived in crack central for 8 years and didn't know it.

At 1:35 AM, Blogger WhipSlyme said...

Kenny G has great hair. Genet, when will you be in Rondon exactly? I know August but that's all. And don't forget you have to meet my parents in thefrozen northern wastelands of scab. It's near Leeds, it won't be too bad. Did you like my pics of Owen and Beckham? Kiss, kiss hope u r well.

At 11:57 AM, Blogger Genet said...

Whipslyme: I will be in London from August 8-17. Will I be able to day-trip it up to Scarberia? Are you still going down on me... I mean coming on me... I mean coming to London?


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