Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I used to love you, but it's slipping

Oh, Morrissey... You have given me so much pleasure over the years. I was willing to overlook some of your stupidities, especially your frankly ridiculous celibacy. Your high-dramatics were charming. But now, you've lost me...

According to you, Canada has "placed itself alongside China as the cruelest and most self-serving nation." Of course, coming from someone who penned an album called
Meat Is Murder, this is obviously about the seal cull. While I am not a fan of the hunt, I am finding the parade of foreign celebrities going ape-shit a trifle annoying. If seals looked like tarantulas, I suspect the outcry would be much more muted. Yes, it is a barbaric practice, however, I am not familiar enough with environmental reasons either for or against to make an objective judgment. I just know that it doesn't look very nice and I would prefer it not to happen.

But saying that Canada is the world leader of cruelty and greed is histrionics gone mad. Then this tidbit is just way out of line: "Construction of German gas chambers also provided work for someone - this is not a moral or sound reason for allowing suffering." Perspective, Moz... perspective. Morrissey, mon ami, your country is currently engaged in an illegal war that, three years on, continues to lead to thousands of human deaths. All for very dubious reasons. I guess nobody's perfect, eh?

So, sadly, I will not be seeing a Morrissey concert thanks to his boycott. Boo. He's been painfully hit-or-miss without Johnny Marr anyway. Maybe instead of playing Toronto, he could entertain the British troops in Basra? He should just be careful that some overly-enthusiastic soldiers (you remember our videotapped friends) don't gay-bash him after the gig... but wait... he's mysteriously not gay. Or straight. Or bi.

I'm going to go listen to The Queen is Dead now.


At 12:28 PM, Blogger WhipSlyme said...

It's a great album. Morrisey is a bell(e) end. Chinese eat dog.

At 2:26 PM, Blogger PDD said...

Italians urinate on themselves to heal their wounds.

What a dipshit Morressey is.

It's easy to isolate a country with very little controversy because any little controversy is magnified tenfold and it's singularity is easier to manage. It's harder to zero in and isolate those countries that have been saturated with controversy because that would mean less ticket sales and having to articulate every aspect of it's contorversy.

I'm glad you brought up those points, Genet. It pales in comparison.

At 4:34 PM, Blogger JR said...

ouch, burn........


At 4:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about we kill more seals. Possibly all of them. Seals have never done anything for me. And as long as the babies are as cute as they are, these foolish animal rights types have this sort of nuclear weapon in their arsenal. It's time to disarm the activists. Disarmament now!

At 10:22 PM, Blogger Martyloo said...

"The seal population has looked after itself for thousand of years without human intervention"...

Really? Back in the day, the Inuit enjoyed seal, if not for the meat, for the pelts and the fat. Perhaps a few baby-seal-tooth bracelets for the kids. Apparently, those first nations peeps were some fascist fashionistas.

As for the war in Iraq...

If only it was 2 million baby seals that Saddam Hussein had killed over 30 years.

Or was this the Iraqi population "looking after itself"?

At 10:43 PM, Blogger PDD said...

HA! Marty-loo you are hilarious! Excellent work my friend.


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